Stoneybrook Village Owners Association

Stoneybrook Village
Owners Association

Architectural Review Committee (ARC)

Tree lined street

“Our Village is beautiful. ARC helps keep it that way.”

The Architectural Review Committee (ARC) is the only committee established through the Declaration of Protective Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Easements (CC&Rs) of the Stoneybrook Village Owners Association (SVOA). The ARC must approve all changes or modifications to the exterior of homes, the Lodge, or Assisted Living or any landscaping on a lot to ensure they are compatible with the original design plan of Stoneybrook Village and “maintain the positive enhancement, beauty and character of our community.”  The committee has established standards which are detailed in Procedures, Standards and Guidelines. The ARC manages the process of review and approval of all proposed changes to ensure a smooth and timely process.
Landscaped Stoneybrook
Street view

Links to Other Committee Pages


Gary Johns, Chair
Jim Day
Mike DeRoss
Cecile Dolan
Cheryl Galvin
Bob Lackey
Kathryn Nove
Dave O’Brien
Jan Sanetel
Karen Stephenson


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